Well, I didn't think I was going to make it this far. I was for sure thinking I'd have Marlee already! She must know I struggle with being patient, and must be teaching me a life long lesson.
Symptoms: I have been having contractions every night for the last two nights that start off as consistent, and then when I get my hopes up, they stop! (So frustrating) I also get them randomly throughout the day, but never consistently.When I do have contractions, I've found it relieving to BREATHE, and move around and get my mind off of it. I cope better with pain when my mind is on something else. Another symptoms is, If I walk too much without resting, I CAN NOT sleep at night. My pelvic pain is too much for me to get some good shuteye. I am still hungry all the time, and need to drink WAY more then I do. I am deciding whether to put an alarm on my phone for every half hour reminding me to drink water. For some reason, I am terrible at remembering to drink water!
My Mom, and my sister arrived on Sunday and have been helping me out for a good whole week! They have been absolutely AMAZING! I don't know what I'd do without them! Just yesterday my mom massaged my feet for a good 30 minutes relieving them of the swelling I'd caused by not massaging them earlier. They have been helping me out around the house, and getting me OUT of the house (which is GREAT!) they have also been great supporters! I feel more at home then ever, especially being far from home, and feeling like that was impossible, I am super happy! I know my husband realizes how much more happy I am now with family around, because he is now more happy! First of all he doesn't have to deal with me as much ha ha and also I have other "females" to talk to, so he isn't stuck with my daily vent of girl things! (I'm just happy he is happy :D )
So an update on Landon's Military duties:
Landon was given an award yesterday, and has collected another coin for his collection! I'm SO PROUD OF HIM!!! He has been put through a lot lately and has been under a lot of stress, and he has been handling everything SO well!! Now that my mom and sister are here, he has become less stressed because he knows I'm being taken care of, and that's one of his big stresses, making sure baby and me are taken care of. Overall, Landon has been doing SO well with everything! I am extremely lucky to have him as my husband, as the father of my children and as my eternal companion!! :) I love him so much!
Doctor news:
I will be induced (stripping of the membranes) Tuesday July 24th, and will hopefully be having Marlee shortly afterwards! Hopefully she hasn't grown much because I am super nervous that she'll be a nine pound baby. I'd much rather not have to push out a 9 pounder for my first baby! ;)
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