Taking a road down my life, and enjoying the road stops on the way, laughing and smiling with my hubby! -I love you babe! -wife
Marlee has arrived
Friday, May 27, 2011
Welcome home Babe! God Bless our Soldiers!
So a few days ago my husband came home from his military training and I was THRILLED! I got to go to his graduation which was full! There were around 200 soldiers graduating! It was an awesome experience! Hopefully I'll be able to post some pictures soon! The ceremony was long, but amazing! It was my second official graduation that I had been to for the Military! My parents and sisters were there to share it with me along with Landon's parents. Jerri decided to embarrass Landon as he walked back to his seat after recieving his graduation papers. She took about a million pictues in a row of him just walking back. He looked so embarrassed and angry, making me laugh. When it was finally over he came straight to me and hugged me for a long time before he had to leave again to sign out. This has been the longest we've been away from eachother. We've had a 2 month training before, but I got to see him every weekend. This two week training, well we couldn't see eachother any days of the week. It was sad, but it was way worth it seeing him in the end! I was just 10x happier to see him! His orders weren't through until the next morning, so I had to spend one last night away from him, but it was a great mornng when he came through the front door. :D My two good friends are waiting anxiously for their husbands to come back from Iraq, and I think they arrived state side just a couple days ago, so I'm so excited for those two. Although it will be another month before they can see them, they know for sure they are out of harms way! God Bless all those families out there who have a military soldier in their family. They do so much for us and I don't think anyone could thank them enough for the sacrafices they make. As for those two girls I was talking about earlier, you know who you are, my prayers are with you and can't wait until you can be with your loved one! God Bless our Soldiers
Summer Begins...Work ends...Lazy starts!
First day of Summer Break and what do I do? I go for a walk with my awesome future sister n' law and we talk and laugh until she has to go. I then sit down (WRONG DECISION) I stay sitting until my husband comes home at 5:30...(This is so sad) Then when he leaves I return to sitting down and pushing play on hulu as I finish my episode of Glee. After a few I talk myself into starting to clean the house. Instead I plug in my ear plugs and start listening to "Tonight Tonight" and just start singing my head off and while running through the house picking up a few things here and there saying to myself "This counts as cleaning...right?" haha so I keep cleaning afterwards and then I realize the time has flown by. My hubby would be back from his second job in an hour...QUICK CLEAN! Then I realize...DINNER? I run to the kitchen only to find I had missed cleaning it, so I quickly cleaned up and then looked through the cupboards to find something to cook. Chilli and Corn Bread ! Winner! This meal is a good back up plan for days like these. Hope he likes it! :D
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