Taking a road down my life, and enjoying the road stops on the way, laughing and smiling with my hubby! -I love you babe! -wife
Marlee has arrived
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Beginning the Love Dare again has shown me of how much more love is shown and given when I'm doing this book. It has been a night and day difference, and I absolutely love it. This book is amazing, and it has literally changed my life. I'm so proud to have Landon as my husband. He is always looking out for me, and making sure I'm happy! He is always willing to do things he doesn't like to do , like giving me a massage, or rubbing my head. It has been an amazing journey with my husband and I know it's just gonna get better!!! Thank you babe for all that you do! You amaze me every day with the skills and talents you have. You are extremely good with people, and have the biggest heart I've ever seen. Thank you so much for you generous example and your willingness to work together. I love you so much!!!
Monday, July 4, 2011
Define love. Love is unconditional. Meaning: Through tough times and good times, through sickness and in health, through disagreements and agreements. It means NO MATTER WHAT, you still love your partner more then ever. Sometimes this is hard when things don't go as planned, but you know what, I think being able to be forgiven, and to forgive are the bonding elements of Love. It creates a bond so tough nothing can penetrate it. I've learned from past experiences that it not only lets you grow closer to your partner, but it also strengthens you as a person. Putting your spouse before yourself is the number one thing you can do! It allows you to always serve your spouse and have that happy feeling of making them happy all the time. When you're mad at them, it will be harder not to forgive them. Granted there are those few situations where it's no longer healthy to be in that relationship, but that's your judgment and only you can make that decision. I have had to get used to a completely different life style being married to my spouse. I've always been used to, outdoor activities every day, exercise and eating healthy, making all holidays special, going out and spending time with other people together as a family, going on family home evening dates. My spouse on the other hand has grown up with video games as a main entertainment, never leaving his friends basement, being out with the guys and just spending time with his friends in general. So when we got married I had to get used to not only 2x as much as laundry and dishes, but also having to pick up after him, and getting to accept the amount of time spent playing video games. I also had to get used to me gaining weight because of the food my spouse liked, and our time together would consist of us either playing video games together or watching movies together. All reverting around no exercising, no eating healthy, and no outdoor activities. It's been a year now and I'm still battleing my weight, my food habits, and my outdoor activity time. It has been overwhelming to me of how much I've changed since I've been married. Although my husband doesn't like doing outdoor activities, or going out to town to just walk around all the time, he is in the Military, and he has sacraficed so much for this country and for me. He works two jobs, and is supporting us very well. He is a wonderful husband and listens to me, a quality not all men have. He makes time for me, although it took a while for him to get used to the fact that video games weren't as important as his wife ;) he got the hang of it, and is doing wonders! I personally have been through a lot throughout my marriage and I am so blessed for every one of those trials because it has made me a stronger person, a more responsible person, and my love for my husband is deeper and stronger then anything I've ever imagined. Thanks to my wonderful loving husband I've come to be a better person, and the happiest I've ever been.
I love you babe, and I'm so grateful for you! Thank you for all that you do!! You're my number one!!!! -Wife
I love you babe, and I'm so grateful for you! Thank you for all that you do!! You're my number one!!!! -Wife
Friday, May 27, 2011
Welcome home Babe! God Bless our Soldiers!
So a few days ago my husband came home from his military training and I was THRILLED! I got to go to his graduation which was full! There were around 200 soldiers graduating! It was an awesome experience! Hopefully I'll be able to post some pictures soon! The ceremony was long, but amazing! It was my second official graduation that I had been to for the Military! My parents and sisters were there to share it with me along with Landon's parents. Jerri decided to embarrass Landon as he walked back to his seat after recieving his graduation papers. She took about a million pictues in a row of him just walking back. He looked so embarrassed and angry, making me laugh. When it was finally over he came straight to me and hugged me for a long time before he had to leave again to sign out. This has been the longest we've been away from eachother. We've had a 2 month training before, but I got to see him every weekend. This two week training, well we couldn't see eachother any days of the week. It was sad, but it was way worth it seeing him in the end! I was just 10x happier to see him! His orders weren't through until the next morning, so I had to spend one last night away from him, but it was a great mornng when he came through the front door. :D My two good friends are waiting anxiously for their husbands to come back from Iraq, and I think they arrived state side just a couple days ago, so I'm so excited for those two. Although it will be another month before they can see them, they know for sure they are out of harms way! God Bless all those families out there who have a military soldier in their family. They do so much for us and I don't think anyone could thank them enough for the sacrafices they make. As for those two girls I was talking about earlier, you know who you are, my prayers are with you and can't wait until you can be with your loved one! God Bless our Soldiers
Summer Begins...Work ends...Lazy starts!
First day of Summer Break and what do I do? I go for a walk with my awesome future sister n' law and we talk and laugh until she has to go. I then sit down (WRONG DECISION) I stay sitting until my husband comes home at 5:30...(This is so sad) Then when he leaves I return to sitting down and pushing play on hulu as I finish my episode of Glee. After a few I talk myself into starting to clean the house. Instead I plug in my ear plugs and start listening to "Tonight Tonight" and just start singing my head off and while running through the house picking up a few things here and there saying to myself "This counts as cleaning...right?" haha so I keep cleaning afterwards and then I realize the time has flown by. My hubby would be back from his second job in an hour...QUICK CLEAN! Then I realize...DINNER? I run to the kitchen only to find I had missed cleaning it, so I quickly cleaned up and then looked through the cupboards to find something to cook. Chilli and Corn Bread ! Winner! This meal is a good back up plan for days like these. Hope he likes it! :D
Friday, April 1, 2011
Kim Nelson, and her example!
I'm here to tell you about an extraordinary young woman, who has been battling AML Leukemia. She was an inspiration to all of us who graduated with her in 2009. She was known as the girl with all the smiles. She was never unhappy. Even through her struggles she put through the effort to survive, and she beat her monster of cancer, and returned home in remission. Unfortunately at a general check up they found the cancer had returned and went back for more treatments, only to catch an infection which would lead to her coma on March 31, 2011. She passed away last night. As much as I am sad, I am happy also to know that she is in a better place, where she won't be in pain, and that she'll be with our Heavenly Father. He truly has an amazing angel in his arms right now.
When I participated in a party while Kim was in Remission, she was there and we had a blast. I remember she was always smiling, and trying to make the best of what was going on. Her enthusiasm towards others and their dreams was inspirational, and we all were rooting for her, and still are. She will always be remembered in our hearts as the girl with all the smiles, and her and her family will be blessed!
When I participated in a party while Kim was in Remission, she was there and we had a blast. I remember she was always smiling, and trying to make the best of what was going on. Her enthusiasm towards others and their dreams was inspirational, and we all were rooting for her, and still are. She will always be remembered in our hearts as the girl with all the smiles, and her and her family will be blessed!
Thursday, March 24, 2011
2 Month Journey!!!
So my love and best friend has been gone for a total of 46 days! The good news is, I only have to wait 24 more days!!! It gets more and more exciting as the days go on! We do have the weekends together which is wonderful! And speaking of weekends, this weekend is our 1st YEAR ANNIVERSARY !!!! I'm so excited and baffled at how fast the time went by. Who knew the saying "Time flies by when you're having fun" really could be true. Then again it has it's downers. Like those bad days, and they just don't seem to end, and they go on forever it seems like. So my philosophy....have FUN EVERY DAY, and make the memories count!
I'm not a good memory catcher. I don't take pictures every moment I can of moments my hubby and I make. So I'll have to do better on that! I hope to get some more memory photos this weekend for our 1st Year Anniversary! That should be fun!!!
Who knew Anniversary gifts would be so hard to think of...It took me a while to figure my hubby out and what to get him. So I decided! ( No worries, my husband never reads my blogs...so I think...I'm gonna take the risk and let you guys know!) My husband is in the Military as you know and is gone training! He asked me to get him something he could take with him when he goes back to training. So I finally came up with the BEST gift! I saw online this bracelet with a dog tag woven into the bracelet. I could also customize what it said on the dog tag. So I put :
I love you
with all my heart
always and forever!
It was awesome! I felt so cool haha! It should be here tomorrow! I'm super excited to show him! I also got him a wallet ( His second love ) It also let me engrave something on the front. So I put :
Landon Ochsenbein
I love you!
Something small, but I hope it means the world to him! I'm excited!
He on the other hand, already got me my gift! He got us a room at the Anniversary Inn where we had our honeymoon! He won't tell me what room we're in but I'm excited to find out! My only hope is that this night will last forever! I ask just for that night, that the quote, " Time flies when you're having fun" Will just for some reason stop working that night, and that I can be with my best friend for forever!
I'm not a good memory catcher. I don't take pictures every moment I can of moments my hubby and I make. So I'll have to do better on that! I hope to get some more memory photos this weekend for our 1st Year Anniversary! That should be fun!!!
Who knew Anniversary gifts would be so hard to think of...It took me a while to figure my hubby out and what to get him. So I decided! ( No worries, my husband never reads my blogs...so I think...I'm gonna take the risk and let you guys know!) My husband is in the Military as you know and is gone training! He asked me to get him something he could take with him when he goes back to training. So I finally came up with the BEST gift! I saw online this bracelet with a dog tag woven into the bracelet. I could also customize what it said on the dog tag. So I put :
I love you
with all my heart
always and forever!
It was awesome! I felt so cool haha! It should be here tomorrow! I'm super excited to show him! I also got him a wallet ( His second love ) It also let me engrave something on the front. So I put :
Landon Ochsenbein
I love you!
Something small, but I hope it means the world to him! I'm excited!
He on the other hand, already got me my gift! He got us a room at the Anniversary Inn where we had our honeymoon! He won't tell me what room we're in but I'm excited to find out! My only hope is that this night will last forever! I ask just for that night, that the quote, " Time flies when you're having fun" Will just for some reason stop working that night, and that I can be with my best friend for forever!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Military Training...
Military....I have a Love Hate relationship with the Military. My husband right now is at a Military Training, and he will be gone for 2 Months ( 72 days to be exact..) I'm not counting or anything...Man..I wish he was here right now! Every night I go to bed, all I can think about is not being able to cuddle with my husband who keeps me so warm at night. It's heart wrenching and it's scary...So I give all the Military Wives props for Being so AMAZING! I don't know how you're so strong, but I better learn it fast or life will suck SUPER FAST!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
So I have a Fit Club now and it's AWESOME! If you're like me, and you need motivation, like working out with other people! Then a Fit Club is for YOU! I find that if I invite my fit club members to Fit club and they show up, OF COURSE I'm going to work out! It's a good way of motivating myself to get up and workout!
To be honest, about 4 months ago, I never worked out. I sat at home, played video games, cooked for my husband *occassionally, and sat and watched Netflix. Not a really good schedule I might add. So when I went to visit my sister n' law in Colorado, she introduced Insanity to me, and I fell in love! I got home and got it! I started it, and for two weeks, I did it on-going! I lost 2 inches around my waist, and was SO Excited! Then I got really sick so I had to stop for a while. I got back onto exercising but I was always on and off, because I was doing workouts by myself, all alone. Then January came along, and I decided to make a Fit Club! I would provide other people a place where they could feel comfortable to exercise, and actually come! I let people try out Shakeology, and we have a BLAST! It has made it so I have applied the habit of exercising every day to my life! It's so exciting that Working out isn't a second thought in my mind! It's just habit now! I can't go a day without working out *save sunday*, and I feel sick on the days I have to. (Literally sometimes ) Now the only struggle I face is EATING HEALTHY! AH! This is so hard for me! Food is just food to me, if it tastes good, and fills me up, then it's good for me right? WRONG! I have been trying really hard to keep my food healthy. I fail every once and a while, but I hope I will be able to make another habit for this! WISH ME LUCK!
To be honest, about 4 months ago, I never worked out. I sat at home, played video games, cooked for my husband *occassionally, and sat and watched Netflix. Not a really good schedule I might add. So when I went to visit my sister n' law in Colorado, she introduced Insanity to me, and I fell in love! I got home and got it! I started it, and for two weeks, I did it on-going! I lost 2 inches around my waist, and was SO Excited! Then I got really sick so I had to stop for a while. I got back onto exercising but I was always on and off, because I was doing workouts by myself, all alone. Then January came along, and I decided to make a Fit Club! I would provide other people a place where they could feel comfortable to exercise, and actually come! I let people try out Shakeology, and we have a BLAST! It has made it so I have applied the habit of exercising every day to my life! It's so exciting that Working out isn't a second thought in my mind! It's just habit now! I can't go a day without working out *save sunday*, and I feel sick on the days I have to. (Literally sometimes ) Now the only struggle I face is EATING HEALTHY! AH! This is so hard for me! Food is just food to me, if it tastes good, and fills me up, then it's good for me right? WRONG! I have been trying really hard to keep my food healthy. I fail every once and a while, but I hope I will be able to make another habit for this! WISH ME LUCK!
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